What are practice credentials?

Practice credentials are distinctions awarded to individuals who have demonstrated proficiency in specific aspects of leadership and specialist  practice. Unlike traditional academic assessments such as assignments or exams, these credentials are earned through practical application and experience. They are typically integrated into organisational workforce development programmes and bear the joint endorsement of TheMRB and the employer where the practice took place. Moreover, they are portable across different organisations and indicate that they hold particular relevance in certain industries.

How can we help you?

We offer multiple practice credentials in five practice areas : self-management, team working, organisational management, social value management and governance. We also offer additional practice credentials in specialist practice areas such as advertising. Each practice area has several practice credentials. Self-management has five, for example. This means that there are many practice credentials available covering various aspects about leadership practice. You can work towards one, or many credentials, depending on your learning and career goals.

To achieve a practice credential, individuals submit a portfolio of evidence showing how they have used certain skills at work. In this respect, practice credentials might be seen as retrospective awards, recognising you for your past achievements. However, we believe that the key learning from a leadership perspective is in the development of the portfolio, which requires candidates to reflect on their practice and discuss what they have learned. The award is mainly based on this reflection, not whether the task was perfect or had positive outcomes. There is usually much to be learnt from activities  that did not go so well. So, practice credentials are not retrospective awards, though they can use past activities as a basis for learning.

The portfolios are reviewed by both a specialist practitioner and an academic working together, with moderation by the Convenor on behalf of the board. The standards of review are aligned to Master level. If they achieve the standard, they are awarded the practice credential.
If a candidate portfolio does not meet the standards of the board, they are provided formative feedback on their submissions and offered a chance to resubmit free of charge in the first instance. If they fail to meet the standards in this second instance, they would need to reapply.


Show that you have the essential personal skills for leadership

The self-management practice area has the following practice credentials: communication, inter-personal skills, critical thinking, digital literacy, ethics and time management.

Team working

Demonstrate how you have supported team performance

The team working practice area has the following practice credentials: team formation, agreeing team objectives, reviewing team roles, enhancing psychological safety, building team functions and inter-team working

Organisation management

Evidence how you have contributed to improvements in organisational performance

The organisation management practice area has the following practice credentials: promoting innovation, influencing organisational change, managing values, budgeting and forecasting, improving organisational structures and improving organisational processes.

Social value management

Explain how you have generated value for society

The social value management practice area has the following practice credentials: collaborative working, engaging stakeholders, data analysis, responsive decision-making, leading for social value and impact management

Organisational governance

Indicate how you support and direct management

The governance practice area has the following practice credentials: performance management, strategic thinking, leadership for directors, legal responsibilities of a director, decision-making and sustainability

Specialist credentials

Signal the hard skills you have acquired in specific areas

There are practice credential in a specialist areas such as advertising. Advertising includes consumer behaviour, market research, brand strategy, creative strategy, media planning & buying and digital marketing.

Our Service Coverage

We prioritise those in the Global South, where workplace training standards have tended to be lower, resources constrained but where some people achieve incredible outcomes. We think that the world has a lot to learn from people working in these regions. We want to recognise their capability, promote their ideas and help elevate their standards. 
