It's time to get recognised!
Practice credentials help you identify and understand your strengths and get recognised for them. They are valuable whether you are starting a new role, developing an existing one, or validating your achievements. They enhance reflexivity, a crucial leadership skill, and boost confidence, increasing the likelihood of successfully stepping into new roles. Additionally, more companies globally are recognising practice credentials as proof of capability.
How to apply for a practice credential.
Select the practice credential you are interested in. Make sure you check the glossary to understand the micro-credential you are applying for and which practice area it belongs to. Ideally, you should choose and complete practice credentials from the same practice area. We also recommend starting with practice credentials under Self-management if your a junior or middle manager.
Pay the fee for the practice credential. You will be sent the specific guidance for the submission process for the practice credential you have applied for, and a list of resources and examples you can use for preparing your work.
Prepare your portfolio. Gather the necessary evidence, write a reflective summary, share your work with colleagues and develop a short video. Once you’re happy with the portfolio, submit it.
What we will do...
You have done all the hard work in practice. We will allocate a tutor to support your journey and provide guidance through online resources and workshops.
Once you have submitted, our academics and practitioners, working together, review your application within 10 days, provide personalised feedback and recommend awards. Their recommendations are moderated the TheMRB.
We will issue your practice credential if successful – either a Master Level or Associate Level practice credential depending on the quality of your submission. If your portfolio does not achieve either of these levels and needs further work, you will be offered an opportunity to resubmit within 6 weeks at no extra cost. If you need another opportunity to resubmit, you will be required to restart the application process and to pay a resubmission fee which is 50% of the full fee.
Academic rigour.
We pair up experienced academics and practitioners to review your work and provide formative feedback.
Access to resources.
We collate content to support you on your journey and are provide workshops where our tutors can work closely with you.
Apply for a practice credential now.
Best for individuals and very small organisations
Ideal for individuals. This includes a review of your learning plan and gives you access to free online help and discounts for related workshops explore leadership and governance ideas.
Best for organisations
An ideal investment for organisations. This option enables you to enrol multiple candidates for the same credential, or buy multiple credentials for one candidate. It provides candidates with free online help and discounts for related workshops.
To enhance continuous professional development
We formalise your training plans into a recognised approach that aligns with our credentials. Where no training plan exists, we will work with you to develop one and provide an outline for self-paced, self-managed learning.
Need a little more help?
Common questions
On receipt of your payment, we will send you an email with details about resources, contact details for your tutor and instructions on how to submit your portfolio. We will also ask you for details about any training programmes you are attending so that we can support your learning. You will be given 6 months to complete your submission. 7 weeks is usually sufficient.
Your main document is your personal reflection about your practice. Support this with evidence showcasing your relevant skills and experiences, such as certificates, work samples, recordings, emails, and photos. Organize your evidence clearly with page numbers, folders, and references. Insufficient or poorly formatted evidence may delay your application.
You will need to write a concise 600-word reflection on a task using a reflective cycle. The reflection should include an introduction, task description, what worked well and what didn’t, analysis of outcomes, and a plan for improvement. We offer free workshops for registered candidates and to help you prepare high-quality applications.
To achieve a practice credential you will need to have done something that demonstrates your capability. We call this a task. If you can identify something that you have already done that is relevant to the credential you are applying for, use that as your task. For example, if applying for the Communication credential (under self-management), you will need to describe an activity where you effectively used your communication skills. If you don’t have a relevant task, find or join an ongoing activity in your organisation to demonstrate these skills. Out tutors will be able to advise you if tasks are adequate and approriate. You can also join our free workshops for advice.
Preparing a portfolio may take weeks or months. It is usually shorter if you’re generally organised and already document your progress extensively. Utilize our free seminars and online resources for guidance.
Submit you portfolio and video via our Dropbox system. On enrolment, you will have received instructions on how to do this, and some useful links. Make sure you include the cover sheet that provides details of what you are applying for.
We do not teach you. You learn through experience, training and education programmes provided by others. Our role is to help you organise what you know, and to review how you have applied that knowledge. We do this through workshops, where we facilitate discussion and provide guidance, and through our assessment process.
You need to prepare a training plan and any course materials related to that plan. Pay for the accreditation service then share your plans with us. We will review the materials you provide and identify where it matches with our credentials, and what gaps may exist. We then recommend how to improve the plan to ensure succesful practice credentials, and at which point candidates could submit their portfolios.